July 17, 2023

Litter box training ✨🪴

Written by Hannah Sigel IAABC-ADT, Accredited Dog Trainer

There are many reasons why someone may choose to litter box train their dog. I’ve helped many do this but it’s a first for me to do it with my own dogs. Here’s how we did it!

1. Choosing the right litter box:

Select a litter box that is appropriate for your dog’s size. For small dogs, you can use a cat litter box or a specifically designed dog litter box. You want to make sure it’s large enough to accommodate them turning around / their typical pre-potty dance routine. Keep in mind low sides are helpful in allowing easy access for the dog. This litter box is a modified sandbox we repurposed.

2. Pick the right location:

Choose a quiet and easily accessible area for the litter box. Avoid high-traffic areas or places where your dog usually eats or sleeps. The location should be kept consistent throughout the training process.

3. Observe your dog’s natural schedule:

Take note of when your dog usually goes potty (e.g., after meals, after waking up, after play, etc.). This will help you anticipate when to bring them to the litter box.

4. Set a regular potty routine:

Take your dog to the litter box at the times when they are most likely to need to go. Use a leash if necessary, and calmly lead them to the box. You can walk in circles or gently lead your dog to walk in circles in the area you likes them to go in. Wait until your dog is completely finished to praise and reward them.

5. Clean up accidents properly:

If your dog has an accident outside the litter box, do not scold or punish them. Instead, clean up the mess thoroughly using an enzymatic cleaner to avoid attracting them to that spot again.

6. Gradual freedom / management:

As your dog becomes more accustomed to using the litter box, you can gradually increase their freedom around the house. However, continue to monitor their behavior (e.g., If you see them sniffing and circling, guide them to the litter box) and provide easy access to the litter box.

7. Troubleshooting:

If your dog seems reluctant to use the litter box, try using a different type of litter or changing the location of the box. If encountering difficulties, reach out for help!

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617 - 798 - 0025 | BaltimoreK9Tutors@gmail.com 

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